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Texas Beta Student Aid Fund

Board of Trustees

Don Roberts '69


Vice President
Gregg Young '69


Mike Harris '69


George W. Harcourt ’68


John LeFlore '65

Richard Chambers ’70
Louis G. Baldwin ’71
Mac Churchill ’72
Robert F. McBee ’72

Steve Parker '73

Greg Bair '74

Jacob Villarreal '18


Texas Beta Student Aid Fund of Beta Theta Pi
P.O. Box 442100
Lawrence, KS 66044-2100


Beta Theta Pi Director of Expansion and Recruitment
Trevor Voss
(513) 273-2231


Mac Churchill ’72


Louis Baldwin ’71

Thank You, Generous Texas Beta Brothers


We sincerely thank the following brothers for their dedication to the Building the Future of Texas Beta campaign. These alumni recognize the importance of ensuring the future of the Beta Omicron Chapter and have demonstrated a sense of gratitude for their personal experience. Commitments are still needed from the rest of our alumni to achieve our campaign goal and complete this major project.


All donors contributing a minimum of $2,500 to our housing campaign, over a five-year period, will be recognized on a plaque prominently displayed in the Chapter House. All donors contributing a minimum of $1,000 will be recognized in campaign publications. If an error has been made in recording your gift, or your name has been mistakenly omitted or listed improperly, we sincerely apologize. Please advise our VP of Communications at .Thank you!



Founders Society
($250,000 and above)
Mac Churchill ’68



_kai_ Society
($100,000 to $249,999)
John F. LeFlore ’62
W. W. “Woody” Scott Jr. ’64
Louis G. Baldwin II ’68
Tom P. Stephens ’76
Jeffrey R. Dillard ’77
In memory of
A. R. Dillard Jr. ’43 and
A. Ryan Dillard III ’75
Whit Perryman ’81
Craig A. Clayton ’82



Beta Omicron Society
($50,000 to $99,999)
William D. Jordan ’59
Randy R. Howry ’77
LeFlore Family Gift
Byron L. LeFlore ’56
Byron L. LeFlore Jr. ’83
John A. Weinzierl ’88



John Holt Duncan Society
($25,000 to $49,999)
John Burton ’65
Don Roberts ’66
Mark A. Womble ’67
Dan English ’68
Robert F. McBee ’69
Ronald O. Holman ’72
Everett Coon Jr. ’76
W. Frederick Hamm ’76
Charles Yager III ’80
Stephen Floyd ’81
Scott T. Marvel ’83
John N. Wright ’02



Beta Society
($10,000 to $24,999)
Steven Q. Lee ’64
Dr. Roy S. Washburn ’65
D. Michael Harris ’66
Mike T. Ballases ’68
Richard Chambers II ’68
Bill S. Lee ’68
Alan H. Meyers ’69
Arthur “Burch”
Waldron III ’73
Edward B. Meinen ’76
Bud Bringham ’79
John P. Corrigan ’83
Doug Canter ’84



Men of Principle Society
($5,000 to $9,999)
George Harcourt ’65
Michael J. Waldron ’66
W. Gregory Bair ’70
John Kuhl ’70
Bert Huff Jr. ’77
Craig Reynolds ’78
William Russell II ’84
F. Matthew Owen V ’01



Longhorns Society
($2,500 to $4,999)
James S. Dyer ’62
Leslie L. Lentz Jr. ’64
Michael M. Dunson ’66
Donald W. Ames ’69
Robert T. Harpool III ’70
Todd Churchill ’81
Michael Decherd ’89
Jeffrey T. Miers ’92



Supporters Society
($1,000 to $2,499)
Leland A. Hodges Jr. ’47
Covey Nash ’59
Marty McBride ’82
P. Mario Duran Jr. ’06

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